Multiple Coating Agent for Drilling Fluids

Multiple Coating Agent for Drilling Fluids
Multiple Coating Agent for Drilling Fluids
Multiple Coating Agent for Drilling Fluids

Name of Product: Multiple Coating Agent for Drilling Fluids
Properties and Application:
The product is a high-molecular-weight, anionic liquidpolymer. It has a strong capability of inhibiting the dispersion of clay anddebris, and can significantly improve the inhibition of drilling fluid, whichis helpful for solid control and the stabilization of borehole. Besides, the product is compatible with anionic and amphoteric agent.It can be used in WBM drilling fluids system with various relative densities, ranging from fresh water, salt water to saturated saltywater.
This product cannot add into the drilling fluid directly. It should be at 0.5-1.0% aqueous solution, and then slowly add to the drilling fluid, theadded amount is commonly from 0.05% to0.3%
Packing and storage:
The product is packed with 25kg or 1000kg clean, sealed and leakproof plastic drum. It should be stored in cool dry place, and keep away from the fire source, and prevent the sunlight exposure and rain. The appropriate storage temperature is between 0 and 35 degree
Inhibitors  C-DBV(emulsion)
The Appearance
Non-volatile solids
The Intrinsic Viscosity
White or off white emulsion



Cationic/Anionic phpa emulsions,friction reducer,drilling fluid

phpa emulsion